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e x i l e

  " I'm drowning in your memory but it is all that I have left " *** I was shaking when I saw you packing up your boxes. The labels on the boxes are stern and clear, as you have finally found a new place not far from our current house. House, as I do not dare to call it home. This place is not home for me. This place is just a ghost town haunted by every piece of the person we used to be. I didn't know when you fell out of love with me, but I didn't want to ask. " Kiel? " my voice is unsure, and you immediately stop what you're doing and gaze up at my black orbs. " I don't want to sell this place. I-I was thinking, that- " My voice is now shaky, and I know that I'm seconds away from breaking down in the living room. " It's okay, you can stay here if you want. " you smiled. You smiled softly and I swear that I used to see this smile of yours every day. I nod before leaving you alone, making my way back to the bedroom. T

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