To My Future Kid(s)


Dear my future daughter, or son,

Its your mother. I'm currently 17 now and to be quite honest I don't even know if you're a boy or a girl . I need to tell you few stuffs that I wish your grandma told me when I was young. So here goes nothing;

One, I want you to take care of yourself. If you're having a test the next day and your hands are shaking and your head hurts, stop studying and go sleep. Or you can knock my room and we can sleep together (I don't know, choose whatever you want babe) So what if you get 50% for the result? What matters to me is that you're healthy and happy. Beside, a test did not determine your future.

Two, do what makes you happy. If you wanna be an artist, be one. If you wanna be an athlete, go for it. I want you to do what you love and not what I love. Some people might judge you but hey it's your life. You own your life so live life the way you want it.

Three, its okay if you're confused about your sexuality. I don't  care if you're straight or gay or lesbian or pansexual or whatever it is, if you're happy, I'll be here to support you.

Four, don't dress up to impress people. Dress up so that you can look at yourself in the mirror and think " damn, I look good "

Five, one day, there will be someone whose touches felt like fire and it lights you up. That someone will love you so don't let them go.

Six, if someone breaks your heart, go come and knock on my door. We'll just cuddle and I'll show and also tell you how it heals. Just remember, I took nine painful months to form your heart, don't let a certain someone breaks it within a second.

Last, please remember that I love you and you can talk to me about everything. I promise I'll always listen. I hope you become a great kid(s) and just so you know, I'm proud of you.

I love you baby.

With love,

Your 17 years old mum.


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