
She breathed deeply of his maleness, feeling suddenly so safe in his arms that she wanted to... She wanted badly for him to take control of her, of her life, and then to take control of her body, because she knew what it was like, to surrender so completely that all you have left is bliss. 

" You lose "
" Haha, funny "

He rolled his eyes and continue fidgeting with my thumb. Yes, we're playing thumb war. Our score right now is 3-1, meaning he's the winner. Concentrating on his thumb on mine, I smiled a little, knowing that this very particular person sitting in front of me, is indeed, my favorite person.

" Ha. You lose again "

I rolled my eyes and he burst into laughters, and I got to winched in pain because after all, he have syringe in his hand and I think, he just moved it a bit.

This particular person sitting in front of me is indeed, my favorite person. He put up with me, he’s funny, and not to mention, he’s also cute.

I love the way my name rolled out of his lips. I could just stand in the middle of nowhere and when I hear the way he pronounced my name, I’ll know that its his voice.

I adore him. He keeps me sane. He’s my eutony. My favorite pronunciation.

It’s just too bad that I’m not his eutony.


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